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Atomic Habits

·1 min

Here are some interesting thoughts I found in the Atomic Habits book.

  1. Identity-oriented > action-oriented > goal-based approaches to form habits.
  2. Time and location to be part of a new habit: I’ll do X at time Y in location Z.
  3. Habit stacking.
  4. Design your environment so that good cues are more visible than bad ones.

(There were more good ideas but I didn’t note them down.)

Good habits that I’d like to create:

  • Proper shutdown routine for going to sleep every night. That way, I’ll get sufficient and quality sleep.
  • Be a learner. This involves continuously learning new things and then using Anki etc. to commit those things to memory.

Bad habits that I’d like to stop:

  • Use phone less. More importantly, focus on one thing at a time and don’t multi-tasking.
    • On a related note, become someone that enjoys his environment and doesn’t take out his phone the first instant he gets bored.