·1 min
Resources #
- https://www.tradepressservices.com/: you can pay to build some parts of my profile.
- https://www.breakthroughusa.com/eb1-green-card-publications-ideal-for-stem/
Interviewing attorneys #
Ask lawyers:
- I want to put my best foot forward and I am in no rush. Can we take time (6 months or whatever)?
- Fees? What about RFEs?
- Covered through Met Life?
- Anyone in Amazon I can talk to?
Possible bad outcomes of the petition:
- RFE.
- Denial:
- Appeal on denial: only 33 days to tell them you want to appeal. Different attorney. 3 motions or something.
Infeasible, just ignore #
I should completely ignore these criteria:
- Evidence of receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence
- Evidence that your work has been displayed at artistic exhibitions or showcases
- Evidence of your commercial successes in the performing arts