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Pass raw hard drives to a Proxmox VM

·1 min

An example use case is to pass hard drives to Open Media Vault so that it can club them together behind MergerFS.

Helpful commands:

# Commands to find the right disk ID.
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | grep -i sdb
find /dev/disk/by-id/ -type l|xargs -I{} ls -l {}|grep -v -E '[0-9]$' |sort -k11|cut -d' ' -f9,10,11,12

# Then, pass through.
# Here, use the right number for `-scsiN`. Once the following is run, the disk will show up in Proxmox GUI too, under the VM's "Hardware" section.
qm set 103 -scsi1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000VN008-2DR166_ZDHBBLLT

Helpful resources: