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·2 mins
  • I’ve thought this before but still: it’s time for me to move out of Amazon.
    • Why?
      • The current 3x-per-week RTO policy is sucking out time from my life and there are strong rumors that the number will bump up to 5x-per-week. That will be worse.
      • My work in the last month, after getting promoted to PE, hasn’t been fun. I’ve been advising teams on a few different initiatives, and that’s good, but I am not solving complex problems on my own. Partially out of lack of motivation and/or wastage of time while commuting, I am not able to find time to write code or be hands on in other ways. That’s not good.
      • There is a lot of bureaucracy in the company but that’s also kind of covered in the previous point. Things don’t move fast enough.
    • My next ideal company would likely have 2 elements: small enough so that it isn’t too bureaucratic and will allow me to be hands-on.
  • I was also thinking that we take a goal of moving out of US to Europe after X years from now. Wife seemed onboard but we are concerned about 1 thing: lack of friends and social circle. I take it as a given that we won’t be able to make new friends in a new place when we are forty (or even at our current age for that matter). So, will we be okay with that? (As of today, the answer seems “no”.)