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  • Self hosting:
    • I had setup a certificate authority called Step CA on my home server because ai thought it’d be cool. It mostly worked but not reliably all the time. So, I finally ditched it and I am now in the process of replacing it with regular Let’s Encrypt certificates.
      • It’ll also simplify things a bit because we won’t need to install our custom root certificate on every device.
      • I was worried that my sub-domains will appear on the public certificate log and, for instance, I don’t necessarily want the world to know I use the Arr suite of software. So, I used wildcard certificates to protect against those.
      • I am still not sure why the earlier setup didn’t work well for me because I was mostly doing standard stuff on Traefik. The underlying problem was that I had 2 certificate resolvers - Step CA and Let’s Encrypt - and Traefik fell back to the wrong one in some cases. But why, I still don’t know.
    • I am also putting together a new home page which can be configured through code instead of the UI.
    • Yesterday, I thought of setting up Mastodon because why not and because I have RAM to spare. But then I thought no one will anyway read whatever I post there, so why not keep it simple and just write once in awhile here in my personal notes?
  • RTO, i.e. return to office, is tiring. Today, I had to take shuttle back home instead of the vanpool and the ride took a full 90 minutes plus 15-25 mins to/from shuttle. That’s a lot.