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  • With kiddo, we’ve reached a point where he does something for the first time in his life and we don’t ask where he learnt that, because firsts happen often nowadays. Instead, we just relish those.
    • Just a couple of days back, he mentioned he took 3 girls in his preschool class to Costco. What did they do there? Well, they bought apples!
      • I told him girls don’t like going to Costco for fun, so, on my advice, he took them to Seattle by monorail but they didn’t like it there! Monorail, because we sat in one last weekend.
    • Often times, when he interrupts a conversation between me and wife, I ask him to not interrupt and wait for his turn. Today, the opposite happened. I interrupted his conversation with wife, so he told me to wait. And, like I do, he finished his conversation, turned to me and asked what I was saying!
  • Sometimes, he speaks a lot, and I mean a lot. In a way, that’s a good thing because that’s how he expresses himself. But it can become tiring at times. Still, I really enjoy his company and I can safely say he enjoys mine too. This many not last, of course, because he’ll grow out of it sometime in future but I am happy till it lasts.
  • I’ve seen parents that tell their kids how much they’ve done for them. However, I don’t think they realize how much happiness their kids gave them by just being. I feel parents get way more out of the relationship than what the kids do.