A random list of books
·1 min
- Books currently on my radar:
- Crafting Interpreters.
- Oathbringer.
- Blowout.
- Staff Engineer.
- Essential Calculus.
- This Naked Mind.
- Interesting books I encountered recently:
- Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy:
- I might find this book interesting because it philosophizes virtual reality. It might be a dry read though and it’s Goodreads rating is below 4, so I could be wrong.
- The Tyranny of Big Tech:
- Another book I saw in Barnes & Nobles yesterday and thought might be interesting. (It sounds similar to Blowout that I am reading these days but about an industry that is more relatable to me.)
- This Naked Mind:
- Someone on Hacker News recommended this book about quitting alcohol. If its effect turns out to be similar to how I quit smoking by reading a book, I’d be delighted.
- There is another book with a similar concept authored by Allan Carr.
- Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy: