·1 min
- Shower thought:
- I remember reading the last Harry Potter book on my laptop back in college days. That book was thick and my laptop screen much worse than what it is today - so, why am I reluctant about reading books on my laptop nowadays?
- Blowout:
- Chapter a:
- Talked about how US captured a few Russian spies in 2010 or something.
- They were incompetent both at hiding identities and collecting meaningful data for their home country. However, when they were deported to Russia (in exchange of American spies), the country probably didn’t want to accept its failure and called them massively successful in their mission.
- Chapter b:
- Earthquakes in Oklahoma increased by 20k percentage or something and the timing correlated with increased natural gas extraction. However, the scientific community - one respected person in particular - denied any link based on the data they saw.
- Still, drilling can cause substantial environmental issues nearby. For e.g., animal deaths, health problems for kids etc.
- Industry counter-argues 2 ways:
- At high scale, some human operator mistakes are unavoidable.
- All the drilling is required for energy independence of the country, while conveniently ignoring how much money they themselves are making in the process.
- Chapter a: