Search for a projector for our den
·1 min
- 4k will be a better purchase. Per the store salesman, with 1080p, boundaries of human faces will be pixelated - I can imagine that not being a good viewing experience.
- Non ultra-short-throws may not work for our den because they probably require longer distance between projector and screen. Need to confirm once.
- In our den, where we are thinking of setting up the projector, a 100 inch screen could be too big and 80 inch more preferable. Need to check.
- We should start with a projector and see how it works first. Screens and audio systems can come later.
- Screen:
- We can get ambient light reduction screens but that may not be necessary for our den because it only has a small window, so not too much ambient light.
- There is an option for “projector paint” too. Or we can color the wall white.