·2 mins
I (finally) finished Oathbringer today.
- The book is so long, I dropped it a few months ago and decided I won’t read it again. Eventually, I picked it up recently and went through the last 12-15 hours of it.
- There was one part in the middle that bored me at the time. Some of the main characters were stuck in Shadesmar and nothing much was happening. This time, I got through it and feel glad I did.
- The part that stuck me the most is how accepting the mistakes of his past was the first step for Dalinar to become a better person. Second, he says the next step is always the most important one that a person can take.
- In true Sanderson style, the characters went through their own struggles and, in some cases, found ways to overcome them. For e.g., Szeth decided to follow a man he once tried to assassinate, Teft overcame his addiction to become a Knight Radiant, Shallan eventually decided that she loved Adolin and not Kaladin, Rock broke his vow - to never kill someone - to save Kaladin etc. I am sure I’ll remember more examples if I press my brain.
- I have the next book in my Audible library but it too is long (at 57+ hours!), so I’ll start it after some time. I also saw somewhere that the one after the next is expected to come out next year, so there is a lot of ground to cover in the series!