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Facebook Portal as a bad purchase & publicly sharing my work

·1 min

It’s almost midnight and here are couple of things on my mind. (No, I am not drunk right now!)

  • I bought a Facebook Portal recently and I thought I’d make it my primary entertainment device. It was a bad decision. One, the device can only serve two purposes: WhatsApp and Plex. Nothing else works, no smart device stuff, no Netflix etc. Two, I don’t want an “entertainment device”. I’d rather spend time building or learning things. Even if I think I want some entertainment, it’s probably temporary and I don’t need a dedicated device for that.
  • I should share my work publicly. It’s easy to feel that I only know the basics that everyone else can quickly learn for themselves. However, that’s not the right way of thinking. Luck = [Doing Things] * [Telling People]. And, even if I screw up, what’s the worst that could happen? Another way to look at this is that the world only advances if we share our expertise and experience with others - in some way, we owe that to the world.